Live KRW to NZD Exchange Rates
South Korea Won to New Zealand Dollar (KRW/NZD) Exchange Rate Table
How to transfer South Korea Won to New Zealand
Unfortunately, there aren’t that many ways you can transfer South Korea Won to New Zealand.
In fact, many banks don't even allow you to do it.
WorldRemit can
Using WorldRemit is one of the only large, safe and low-cost companies that can help you convert KRW to NZD and send it overseas.
Our tips:
- If it's urgent use cash pick-up or mobile money
- Make sure you have your ID. You may need it to set up your account
- Use a promo code like this to avoid fees
Learn more about WorldRemit
New Zealand Dollar Forecasts
Major Bank Forecasts Compared
Forecasts for the New Zealand Dollar from bank experts are revised throughout the year.
This article shows you the different outlooks and is updated regularly.

Ileana Ionescu

Ileana Ionescu
Content manager
With a background in business journalism, Ileana is an experienced content manager, creating content for Exiap that helps its audience make informed decisions about their finances.
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Last updated
December 19th, 2018