Currency Converter


Wholesale exchange rate updated

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1 NZD10.60320.9060.46450.557590.78319345.814.2946
1 USD1.65811.50210.77010.9243150.515154957.1202
1 AUD1.10380.665810.51270.6154100.20510315.84.7403
1 GBP2.1531.29861.950511.2002195.451201219.2459

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Compare exchange rates from New Zealand banks and foreign exchange leaders.

You don't like getting ripped off. So why are you ok with paying exorbitant fees and rates on currency conversions? You shouldn't be.

At The Currency Shop we help you compare providers to find the best exchange rates and lowest fees right now. Leaving you more time and energy to conquer the world.

Ileana Ionescu
Content manager
With a background in business journalism, Ileana is an experienced content manager, creating content for Exiap that helps its audience make informed decisions about their finances.
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Last updated
March 8th, 2021